We Are A Web Design And Development Agency

Netlynx provides the perfect blend of professional design and development

Our website developers and designers work together to build a responsive website that puts its users first.



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    Website Design And Development Services

    Design and development – the perfect blend for online success

    Did you know that 93% of all website traffic comes from search engines like Google? This means that when people want a product or service, the first thing they do is search it on Google. This is why having an excellent website to represent your brand is more important now than ever before!

    While the design is what customers see, the backend makes the website smooth and responsive, providing customers with a seamless experience. This is why website design and development go hand in hand for online success.

    Customers donโ€™t need to be website designers and developers to know if a website is bad. Studies show that 38% of customers look for the layout and navigation links when they first visit a website and 57% of users wonโ€™t recommend a company if their website is bad – all the more reasons to work with an experienced web design and development company to build your brand online.

    Website Design And Development Services
    Custom And Template Based Website Design

    Custom And Template Based Website Design

    We help you choose what works for you

    Custom Website Development

    We build websites from the ground up. Custom websites are ideal for companies that want to stand out with a unique website or want to provide visitors with multiple navigation options. Custom websites ideally take longer to build however, with our custom web developers on your side, you can expect an excellent custom website design in no time.

    Template Based Websites

    Template-based websites are an ideal solution for those who want to launch their websites quickly. We customize existing templates to your liking. Netlynx has developed template-based designs for multiple industries making sure that each website has its unique spin. This is why we are a sought-after web design company.

    Services We Provide

    We are amongst the top web development companies. Our services include:

    Website Design Services

    Now build user-friendly websites with our website design agency. Netlynx monitors website trends and uses this information to build sites that connect with its audience. Our websites have increased conversions by 180% for 70% of our customers.

    ADA Compliant Web Design

    We make sure your website caters to all groups of people, including those with special needs. Our team is aware of the ADA compliance & WCAG norms and can make the necessary tweaks and adjustments to ensure your website reaches more people.

    E-Commerce Website Development

    We are amongst the top website development agencies because have an efficient team of developers and are constantly adapting to change. Our developers frequently update their knowledge and use the most updated technology to build websites.

    WordPress Website Development

    Our WordPress website development company has experts with more than a decade of experience. Our primary objective is to provide a lightweight, seamless solution that is easy to use while being compatible with all search engines and devices.

    Shopify Website Development

    Our Shopify web development agency builds and manages websites for those with a shorter deadline. Our developers edit features and templates to make Shopify websites unique. Additionally, we provide ongoing support for product and security updates.

    WooCommerce Website development

    We provide e-commerce website development services through WooCommerce as well. The majority of merchants use WooCommerce for its sheer simplicity. Netlynx helps you build a solid website that can seamlessly hold a large digital audience at once.

    Advantages Of A Good Website

    Excellent websites have remarkable competitive advantages

    High Search Rankings

    Good website content along with a professional web design and a modern development strategy makes a website trustworthy for search engines to rank on top. Hence it is crucial to work with professional website developers and designers who can turn your website into a credible source of information/products.

    Lower Maintenance Cost

    Expect a lower ongoing maintenance cost when working with a qualified web design and development company. The best website developers will look into speed, mobile responsiveness, and security right from the start; subsequently, website designers will conduct customer research and create a winning design.

    Optimized Pages

    A fast-loading, responsive website might be the one thing that turns a casual visitor into a long-term customer. Our website developers and designers start by understanding the buyer intent for each page. We strategically position CTA buttons and optimize every page for different screen sizes to ensure higher customer retention.

    Stronger Presence

    Fast loading, mobile responsive and uniform brand pages lead to a seamless experience. Research suggests that consistent branding increases purchases by 33%. Customers remember brands that have easy-to-use websites, giving them exactly what they are looking for. This leads to a strong brand presence and long-term customer loyalty.

    Happy Online Visitors

    Happy visitors donโ€™t just turn into long-term customers but become a companyโ€™s biggest promoter. Modern websites are built with a customer-centric approach where every page is built to give customers what they are looking for without overwhelming them or increasing their steps through unimportant actions and buttons.

    Increased Conversions

    Finally, the main reason why companies invest in professional website design and development services is because of the long-term monetary benefits they get from their websites. Seamless and optimized websites bridge the gap between the brand and its visitors and happy visitors are far more likely to convert into long-term customers.

    Our Key Focus

    We use these 6 focal points to evaluate our websites

    Visual Appeal

    Website appearance has a massive impact on brand image. It is the first thing a customer sees when they click on your website. We initiate all our web design and development projects by asking ourselves how we can give your website a unique appeal that stands out from the rest

    Website Speed

    Our website development company understands how website speed affects audience retention. We have experienced developers who build websites that load within three seconds of clicking on the link. This ensures that customers get exactly what they want without long wait times.

    Optimized Pages

    We ensure every page is optimized for viewer retention. Our pages are responsive to different screen sizes. Our team optimizes the design to maximize user input and enhance security. This allows customers to have a seamless brand experience and build a positive brand image.

    User Friendly Solutions

    We make sure our websites can be used by anyone. Our designers position navigation buttons in optimum areas to assist customers with different levels of online experience. This ensures that every customer/visitor can get what they were looking for.

    Conversion Rate Optimization

    A combination of the key focal points mentioned above will lead to better conversion rates. We monitor conversion rates through heat maps and trackers to understand audience behavior. This customer data plays a crucial role for ongoing support and improvements.

    Long Term Performance

    We ensure our websites stand the test of time by using the latest tools, software and technologies. All our websites are mouldable to future changes in the digital world so that, when the need arises, our team can seamlessly make the necessary updates to your website.

    UI/UX Design: Why Is It Important?

    Good UX makes customers feel heard

    1 in 2 customers will choose a competitor if you have a poor UX. Thatโ€™s 50%! Oftentimes, there is a gap between a company and its potential customers. Companies may misunderstand a customerโ€™s intent of purchase, pain point and awareness of the product/service. This causes companies to map out different buyer journeys which may either lengthen or shorten the sales funnel.

    This is why UI/UX design is crucial. It allows companies to take a step back and understand their customers. A web design agency will start UI/UX by asking questions like – who are our customers? What device are they using to view our website? What activity are they doing while they find our brand? What do they expect from our products and services?

    When we answer these questions, we are able to build an accurate buyer persona which later helps us optimize the UI/UX design.

    Additionally, there are common denominators UI/UX companies look into – like website speed. Studies show that 7% of customers leave per every second of website load time. Hence a web development agency will focus on improving website speed.

    UI/UX Design: Why Is It Important?

    Choose Netlynx For Top Class Web Design And Development Services

    We have 1200+ happy customers

    Website features that you should haveโ€‹

    Stunning UI/UX Design

    Security First Approach

    Fast Loading Designs

    Customer Behaviour Monitoring System

    Search Engine Optimization

    Easy To Manage Websites

    Ongoing Maintenance And Support

    Full Control of the Website

    Web Development Technologies

    Web development technologies are the tools and techniques that developers use to build and maintain websites and web applications.

    Achievement & Recognition


    Customers come back to us with more projects

    1200 +

    And counting web design projects under our belt


    Annually onboarded customers

    Why Netlynx for Website Design And Development Services?

    We have some of the top website developers and designs on our panel

    Market Trends

    Netlynx is aware of the changing market trends. Our designers and developers periodically update their knowledge to stay ahead of the market trends.

    Latest Tools and Technologies

    We use the latest tools and technologies to build websites, ensuring customers get modern, responsive and secure websites.

    Thorough Analysis

    We start every project after a thorough analysis. Niche research, customer analysis and competitor research are our fundamentals for an optimal solution.

    End To End Solutions

    We assist our customers right from the discovery session to the final website launch, making sure our customer is aware of every step along the way.

    Creative Thinkers

    Netlynx has some of the most creative thinkers on their panel. Our team creates unique websites that stand out within their industries

    Ongoing Support

    Once a website is launched, we provide our client with plugin and extension updates, periodic security checks and timely audits.

    What Our Recent Clients Say About Our Work

    โ€ Netlynx always takes pride in delivering the best and nothing less โ€œ

    Mark and Netlynx Inc helped me with web design and SEO to help keep up with our growing company. These guys are good, and I highly recommend them!

    Organic Marketing
    Owner – Randy Meierโ€‹
    Mark and his staff at Netlynx Inc made building our website as easy as possible. They worked tirelessly to meet the deadlines.
    Royalty Precious Metals logo
    Royalty Precious Metals
    Owner – Kent Sullivan
    Fantastic experience! After the initial project, I’ve gone on to do 3 other projects already. I will continue sending all of my web design work to Netlynx.
    Get EVGas logo
    Get EVGas
    Owner – Troy K.
    I have very much enjoyed working with Netlynx. Very professional and on top of their job !!โ€‹

    Atlas Diagnostics
    Atlas Diagnostic Imagingโ€‹
    CEO – Mashelโ€‹
    These guys are the best, very prompt and responsive, please check the quality of their work it is fabulous, they also have the best price.
    Branford Institute
    Brandford Institute
    Owner – Niyi
    Samuel was an amazing help throughout the process of our website building. Very responsive and punctual.
    Body Wise
    Body Wise
    CEO – Jessica Felicoโ€‹

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Images and fonts found via search engines are not always safe to use. As a result, it is always preferable to purchase licenses for images/fonts for the website in order to avoid copyright claim fees. If licence copyright claims arise, they can be worth more than the entire development cost, throwing your budget into disarray.

    Mention your reasons for wanting to remodel or update your website. Gather all of the required content and improvisation modifications for the existing website so that a new website may be constructed for you.

    A well-designed website will improve user experience, which is critical for increasing conversions. When you build your website with a well-structured design, your customers and visitors will find it aesthetically pleasing, attracting more and more potential customers. The first step toward success is to make your visitors and customers appealing, which can only be accomplished by providing a well-designed website

    Yes, everything we build is 100% custom, with unlimited design revisions. We New York web design company create everything from the design to the
    administration area so you can manage the website yourself.

    Yes, we offer a basic SEO setup package that includes things like setting up metadata, tracking, and setting up analytics. Customers can also request a monthly quote for additional SEO services for further optimization. Yes, we optimize your website for SEO as it is one of the most important steps to increase your chances of getting a large number of leads.

    We Design Exceptional Websites

    Tell us what you have in mind