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Will AI Replace Content Writers: Here’s What We Think

While AI is creating more avenues of growth and opportunities, it is affecting the job market. Google laid off 100s of employees this January and shifted more investments to AI development. On a similar note, Duolingo also laid off 10% of its employees to replace some manual content creation through AI. Likewise, a wave of small to medium sized companies are starting to streamline their employees so that they can focus on AI optimization. Some experts suggest that this might be the start as AI is designed to streamline certain avenues of work, making it easier for companies to improve their output at a lesser cost. 

Alexa von Tobel, the Founder and Managing Partner of Inspired Capital, says, “AI is going to touch everything — every company will be an AI company.” Jobs that are the most affected by AI is telemarketing, data entry, administrative tasks and, to an extent digital marketing and content. Everything is one sentence away from an article and when the output is so fast, companies may no longer need more than one copywriter or blog writer to build their company profile.

AI and Content Writer: Do They Compete With Or Compliment Each Other?

With ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini and other similar tools, writing content has become a breeze. With the right input, we can create in-depth articles in a matter of seconds. However, this will never replace the expert opinions gathered by years of experience in a particular industry. AI can speed the writing process, but it requires manual input and edits to make the content ‘human’. 

When Chat GPT just came out, there was a standing theory that popular search engines like Google would penalize AI content. However, with Google’s recent content criteria update, they state that they will not penalize AI content as long as it provides value to its readers. Google will penalize poorly written filler content, written purely for SEO purposes with no real value to its readers.

This means that AI can be a valuable tool for content writers, just like how it is a tool for coders, but it cannot replace content writing as a whole. Alex Cattoni, a well-known copywriter with more than a decade of experience, says in one of her podcasts, that AI has allowed her to cater to a wide range of industries that she would have otherwise declined service to.

AI writing tools, without a doubt, increase productivity, and in a company where 2 productive writers can do the work of 4, there won’t be the need for 2 more writers. This might be why we are seeing layoffs in the content department. 

How Do You Know If Your Job Is At Risk?

At the end of the day, companies are trying to sustain and if they can get the same work or better work done with lesser resources, they will streamline their workforce. Lower level writers, who do not have industry experience, and are responsible for cookie cutter generic content, are far more likely to get replaced. 

The job market has never been a good place for those who do not have specialized skills and knowledge and the rise of AI is bringing this fact back into action. Companies are far more likely to take notice of you if you are resourceful and adaptive to change. 

AI is here to stay, and a good content writer must know how to work with AI rather than without it. Don’t make it your enemy when it is not. Getting on board with AI can be the one thing that moves you up in your career if you start early and become well-versed in it. 

The Future Of AI In Content

Optimists say that, just like how the Internet led to new job opportunities, like Web development and SEO, AI will also lead to new opportunities once it matures. Chairman and CEO of the AI developer platform, Datastax, says that some companies are laying off their employees because they truly believe that AI will give them long term productivity and gains. He says, this mindset is extremely short-sighted; because to improve productivity through machines and bots, you must focus on upskilling as well. Hence training existing staff with AI should be a priority instead of laying off parts of the workforce.

As a content writer it gives us hope that as AI matures, it will improve our ability to produce excellent content with a shorter turnaround time. However, with AI increasing output and productivity an average writer needs to work on their writing skills, industry knowledge, and their ability to use AI for writing, to retain their space in the writing industry.

Digital Marketing

Local Online Marketing in 2024 – Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Did you know that 69% of the total searches on Google are for local businesses? When netizens need to get things done in their locality, they start by searching for it online. So, if you cater to local customers you need to start local online marketing to double down on your local presence.

Here’s everything you need to know (and do) to improve your local presence in 2024.

1. Up Date Your Google My Business Account

Firstly, if you don’t have a Google My Business account you need to get started on that right now! Now for those of you who do have a Google My Business profile but are not receiving a lot of calls or messages, ask yourself if your information is up to date.

Google has changed the way we search for companies in our area. Simply by adding a ‘near me’ to our search, we get a Google map, and contact information of all the potential companies we can work with. So, how do you make sure you have an optimized profile? First, check if you have your NAP details online (name, address and phone number).

Once your primary details are approved by Google you should add working hours. Since most offline buyers are making decisions as they search online, having working hours improves customer experience. After all, the last thing you’d want is a bad review because your potential customer came to a closed store.

After setting up your account make sure you support it with a lot of images that shows the interiors and the outside of your store. Knowing how your shop looks saves customers a lot of time, especially when it is in the midst of many other stores, and improves customer experience.

2. Listing in Local Directories

Listing in Local Directories

A good local online marketing strategy would look at all possible aspects of local online marketing. This includes local directories. Since local directories work for a specific geo location, they do the filtering for you, and show your business to your potential customers, if your shop/food business is the nearest to them; thereby reducing half your efforts.

The good news is, there’s a local directory for pretty much every business. Platforms like Yelp bring you to your customers with very little effort. Additionally, if you find directories that are specific to your business (like Grubhub for a food business) it lowers your marketing efforts.

3. Encouraging Customer Reviews

Encouraging Customer Reviews

Around 76% of netizens say that they check the reviews of a local business before taking their services. You know what that means? You need to encourage customers to review your brand.

Here are some tried and tested techniques to get customer reviews:

  • Make reviewing easy: Put customer reviews right at the front of your website and create a user friendly interface for customers to type on and publish their reviews
  • Use the same platforms as your customers: Customer reviews come in all forms. They can be a star rating like how you would see on a website, Google, or Facebook, but they can also be a tagged photo on Instagram. Make sure you’re on the same platforms as your customers so that you can get reviews in the form of tags and mentions
  • Follow up: A simple message, few days after the service has been completed, can work wonders. Customers who had a good experience with the company are happy to provide good feedback.
  • Provide incentives: Aren’t you more likely to buy from a business if they make you feel special? Providing incentives like discounts and offers to customers who give you a review, encourages them to share their thoughts on your products and services

4. Optimizing Your Website

Optimizing Your Website

Local or not, having a website improves your presence in the online world. It firstly helps you stand out from your competitors who may or may not have a website.

Google lets vendors create single page websites from your Google My Business page. This is particularly helpful for local service based businesses like local photographers, printing companies, etc. However, if you want to stand out, you should create your own website. A personal website will give you a range of options to represent your brand (like adding videos, customer reviews, case studies and so much more).

Additionally, when you independently create a website, you can conduct local online marketing with unlimited hyper local content.

Remember that having a website is not enough. The website must be optimized for the search engines for customers to consider your products and services. Imagine finding a business through a local search and then landing on their exceptionally slow website. You will mostly close the website tab and never look into that business again. Working with a reputable local online advertising company will resolve this issue to a great extent, making sure you have a fast and responsive website.

5. Social Media Handles

Social Media Handles

Another platform, or rather a group of platforms, that helps you stand out locally are social media platforms. Now each platform excels for different types of businesses, for instance, we have Instagram and TikTok for visually aesthetic, lifestyle-oriented companies, Pinterest for creative businesses, LinkedIn for business etc.

Marking your presence on a few social media platforms can make a big difference for your business. Most social media platforms allow you to make local searches, either through hashtags, or by setting the location. Hence having your location right in your bio or adding a location to your posts can make a massive difference to your local online presence.

6. Local Ads

Local Ads

Lastly, while organic marketing methods act as a base for your brand, local ads further your horizon for meeting new potential customers. They are a must, at least in the beginning, when you are trying to get the word across. Creating local ads for popular search engines and local directories, can help you get the word across and establish yourself as the expert much faster.

Setting up local ads can be a bit of a challenge. To get the best results, you should work alongside local online marketing agencies who will do keyword research, create ad copies and manage your ads for you so that you can put all your focus on serving your customers.


So here are a few ways to build your local presence. If there’s one thing we want you to take away from this article to focus on a multi channel local presence. Do you need help with your local presence? Feel free to get in touch with us. We have more than 12 years of experience and have been known to provide the best online marketing services for small business.

Digital Marketing

How a Digital Marketing Agency Can Propel Your Business

In this digital age, having a good online presence is no longer a luxury, but rather a must for businesses to remain competitive. With the rise of tech-savvy and smartphone-dependent consumers, it’s critical to invest in digital techniques that resonate with your target demographic. Fortunately, we have access to industry specialists that generously share their knowledge on the most recent changes and trends in digital marketing. These insights provide useful recommendations and advice for creating campaigns that accurately suit the needs and wants of your target audience.
While reliable web sources provide significant marketing information, firms with minimal digital marketing skills and resources typically find it difficult to traverse the digital terrain alone. This is where the expertise of a digital marketing agency becomes crucial.
Working with an experienced agency allows you to maximize your time and resources, resulting in a higher return on investment (ROI).
Now, let’s look at some of the ways a digital marketing agency may help your business grow through effective campaigns:

Gain a Competitive Edge with Access to Advanced Digital Marketing Tools and Technologies

Keeping up with the rapidly changing digital marketing landscape can be challenging. However, a digital marketing agency can provide your business with a competitive edge by utilizing the latest tools and technologies. A reputable agency should equip you with the resources needed to strengthen your social media strategies, search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, content marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These agencies have access to cutting-edge software, analytics platforms, and marketing automation tools that can streamline your campaigns, improve efficiency, and deliver superior results. With their expertise, they can help you select the most effective tools that align with your business goals and ensure you stay ahead of the curve.

Craft Fresh, High-Impact Content

When dealing with a digital marketing agency, they should provide insights into how people consume material on your website and social media accounts. Is your downloaded content attracting enough clicks? Do people engage with your social media posts? These are the kinds of information you should anticipate from digital marketing specialists to help you create better and more appealing content.
A reliable agency will plan your content marketing strategy for each channel, whether it’s on-page, off-page, social media, or PPC ads. They’ll develop content for several channels while adhering to your brand messaging.

Grow Your Online Presence

Having a robust online presence goes beyond ranking number one on search engine results or amassing a million followers on Facebook, although those metrics do provide significant advantages. A strong digital presence ensures that whenever users search for your brand online, they can easily find you.
To begin, cover the basics by creating accounts and listings according to best practices and the search behavior of your audience. This includes platforms like Google My Business, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other digital platforms where your target market typically spends time.
Some digital marketing agencies go the extra mile by helping you create powerful SEO, social media, and PPC campaigns that focus on building your online presence. These professionals can help you grow your brand by creating social communities, targeting the proper keywords, and providing search- and user-friendly content across several platforms.

Adapt to Changing Search Engine Algorithms

SEO is one of the fundamental techniques for increasing your online visibility and driving more website traffic. However, search engine algorithms are regularly updated, which can impact your SEO strategy. It’s crucial for your digital partner to closely monitor these algorithm changes, allowing them to quickly adjust your strategy and prevent your pages from getting deindexed or deranked. For instance, Google’s mobile-friendly update in 2016 affected numerous websites that weren’t optimized for a mobile user experience.
While many businesses focus solely on keywords, backlinks, and content for SEO efforts, other factors play a critical role. Site architecture, page speed, and responsive web design are equally important ranking factors that should not be overlooked.

Develop Long and Short-Term Strategies

Based on my experience, campaigns typically run for six months to a year, targeting specific goals such as generating leads, driving a specific amount of traffic, or acquiring a set number of customers. A reliable digital marketing agency will ensure that your short-term plans align with your overarching goals through regular evaluations, whether monthly or quarterly. Your campaign should be strong enough to deliver the desired results while remaining flexible enough to adapt to any industry changes, including algorithm updates.

Monitor and Evaluate Campaign Analytics

Regularly evaluating your marketing campaign’s performance is essential. It allows you to measure its effectiveness in relation to the objectives you and your agency set beforehand. Throughout the campaign, assessments identify areas for improvement and inform adjustments to your strategies.
After the campaign concludes, another round of evaluations should be conducted to measure the impact of the techniques on your business performance. The insights and data you gather serve as a guide for the next campaign, ensuring more accurate targeting, powerful messaging, and smarter tactics.

Manage Your Budget More Effectively

Digital marketing services can help you in developing a reasonable budget for your PPC, SEO, content, and social media strategy. Initial research reveals which platforms perform the best and worst, guiding budget allocation. This approach ensures that your money is used to improve weak areas of your overall marketing campaign while maintaining your strengths.
Outsourcing your digital marketing to a reputable agency opens up a wealth of growth opportunities for your brand. Industry experts provide you with the tools, knowledge, and resources necessary to scale up your business, tap into untapped markets, and create meaningful customer relationships through innovative and powerful digital campaigns.


Partnering with a digital marketing agency is like summoning a league of superheroes to fight on your behalf. The expertise, resources, and tools they bring to the table can help you navigate the complex digital landscape with confidence. So, gear up and embark on this thrilling adventure, knowing that with a digital marketing agency by your side, your business will soar to new heights, leaving your competitors in awe. Embrace the power of digital marketing and watch your business become a legend in the online realm.
Remember, the digital world is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of the curve requires ongoing collaboration with a trusted digital marketing agency. So, take the leap and let the heroes of the digital realm guide your business towards unprecedented success.