
The Art of Creating Effective Call-to-Action Buttons

Statistics have shown that CTAs have a massive impact on conversions. In fact, you can increase your conversion rate by 42% by just making your CTA look like a button. It’s a small yet vital criterion many companies forget to include on their website. Currently, around 70% of websites run by small B2B companies don’t have a CTA! This gives you good reason to hop on the bandwagon today and be the 30%! 

With our tips on the art of creating effective call to action buttons, you will notice a shift in your audience behavior in a matter of months.

Understanding User Psychology

What makes a CTA effective? For that, we need to understand user psychology. Why is a user on your website and how are they using the website? Here are certain human psychology aspects you should keep on your mind:

1. Emotions and Urgency

Did you ever buy a product, or join program/app because all your friends are doing it? FOMO is real and companies are monetizing it! If you have social proof and can strike an emotional chord with your customers, your CTAs are far more likely to work.

2. Clear Messaging

Customers are likely to click on a button when they know what is on the other side. This is why a precise CTA like ‘Get Your Free Plan’ is far more likely to work than ‘Know More’.

3. Language Simplicity

Unless it is a part of your brand image, you must reduce cognitive load wherever possible. This is why CTA buttons that have a simple instruction like ‘Learn More’, ‘Download Now’ are far more effective than say ‘Survey Now’ or ‘Peruse Through’.

4. Customized Buttons

Although it’s not possible everywhere; personalized CTA messages can make a customer feel special, thereby increasing their chances of taking action. For instance, the CTA ‘Join Our Clan’ is much more effective for a group of gamers than ‘Join Our Group’,

7 Things To Consider For Effective CTAs

To improve your conversion rate, you should understand the importance of each of the elements mentioned below.

1. Color Psychology

Color plays a massive role in the way a customer perceives your brand. Have you ever noticed how food brands (especially fast food brands) use a lot of red? Why? Because red creates a sense of urgency. Red buttons encourage us to take action quickly. Whereas a lot of financial and B2B brands will use lighter shades of blue. Blue communicates trust, hence a blue button implies that you go onto the next step feeling safe.

2. Button Position

Where you position your button affects the urgency of the CTA. A good website design agency will always keep 1 CTA above the fold because data shows it’s where maximum users take action. But of course that’s not the only place for a CTA.

Always be mindful of the gap between your message and the CTA. The space in between should not be too much that the user forgets to take action, and it should not be so little that it overwhelms the user.

As we know, humans are emotional beings, and positioning the CTA right below testimonials, and vivid imagery that strikes an emotional chord will improve the chances of conversion.

3. Clear Text

Customers should know what they will receive once they click the button. Buttons like ‘Know More’, ‘Learn More’, ‘Download Now’ etc do work, but if you can be a little more specific, your chances of conversions increase greatly.

For example, in one of their sections, Mailchimp chooses to be more specific. Instead of saying ‘Explore Now’ they say ‘Explore 300+ Integration’. This gives customers the incentive to investigate further.

4. Design and Contrast

For a CTA to work, it needs to have some contrast from the rest of the page. As mentioned above, 42% of customers respond to a CTA when it looks like a button and around 26% more people respond to a button if it is supported with an arrow.

5. Order Of Importance

Good web design dictates the power of importance. This means that an experienced web designer can control the parts of the website that get maximum attention. They do this with sizing elements and color contrast.

A good website design agency will start the process by outlining the most important to the least important elements of your website. This will help designers position your CTA buttons in places where customers are more likely to take action without overwhelming the readers.

6. Scanning Patterns

Customers browse through websites in a distinct pattern. It is called the F pattern and the Z pattern. For your CTA to be most effective, it needs to be in the path of the natural reading habits of your customers, causing them to put in the least amount of effort to find your CTA.

7. Review. Reflect. Repeat.

Of course, every group of audience is unique. Despite what the consensus says, you must install heatmaps on your website to get a personalized reading on your customer behavior. Heatmaps tell you what potential customers are reading the most and what is making them leave.

Strategically placing CTAs in places that have proven to grab maximum attention, will increase your chances of customer retention.

CTA Don’ts: Here Are 2 Things You Should Steer Clear From

1. If you highlight everything you highlight nothing

This point further elaborates on point 3. Treat it more as a disclaimer than a contradiction. There is a reason why CTAs like ‘Know More’, ‘Download Now’ is used so often – it is because they are familiar to our visitors and reduce the cognitive load making it easy for customers to take action.
Hence your CTAs should have a healthy balance of familiar terms and an occasional unique CTA. For example, Tiffany & Co uses a unique CTA in only one section of their homepage – ‘Follow Your Diamond Journey’. In other places, they use CTAs like ‘explore’, ‘shop’ and ‘learn more’.

2. Do Not Condescend Your Users

A few years back, it was a common trend for companies to have a cheeky comment on the button they didn’t want customers to click on. For instance, YouTube did this briefly when they launched their ads-free program. On their ad, 1 of their button said ‘Go Ads Free’ and the other said ‘I Want Ads’. 

Customers don’t want ads, they click on the button because they want to decline your offer. While it was believed for a few years that a cheeky or patronizing comment like that will deter customers from choosing the undesirable option, and force them to ‘go ads free’ or ‘subscribe to a newsletter’, etc. But netizens are getting smarter, they know how to say ‘no’ to companies and having tricky buttons like that not only cause poor customer experience, they distance customers from your brand. 

This is why, your number one priority should be to make every CTA easy to understand and respectful so that all your visitors (customers or non customers) can use your website without feeling patronized.


We hope you found this article helpful. CTAs may seem like a small addition to your website but they indeed make a massive impact. If you need to improve your existing CTAs or provide more CTAs to your customers, you can contact Netlync Inc. We are a website development and web design company with 12+ years of experience. We can help you design a website that ticks all the boxes of good CTA design.

Website Design

13 Common Mistakes To Avoid In Web Design and Development

There are currently about 200+ million active websites and around 250 thousand websites are made every day. This means 1 simple thing, it doesn’t matter which industry you belong to, if you are online, you will get a lot of competition! This is why you need to bring your A-game to the digital world and these common mistakes can hinder your online. Use this article as a cheat sheet to avoid the 15 common mistakes of web design and development.

Why Is Good Web Design Important?

A good website acts as a bridge between your potential customers and your products and services. Having a good website does the following:

  • Create a good first impression
  • Improve online presence through SEO
  • Act as a brand collateral

13 Common Web Design Mistakes To Avoid

Sometimes, even the most experienced web designers overlook these common errors. It doesn’t take a lot of time to identify these pointers and create a clear website right from the beginning, however, if these pointers go unnoticed, it can damage a business’s reputation!

1. Lacking A Clear Purpose

Before creating the website, ask yourself ‘Why do I need a website?’. This can save you a lot of hassle. Establishing clear vision and mission statements will provide an outline for website visitors and encourage them to take action without feeling too overwhelmed.

2. Poor design

Leading from the previous point, poor design is often a result of a lack of purpose. More often than not, when we don’t have a clear idea of where things will go, we add too much on a single page. This overwhelms and confuses users – and a confused user is an unhappy user.

Good design is one that has direction and hierarchy. Each section needs to have a clear break with elements (like buttons, text and sliders) designed and sized according to their importance.

Experienced website design agencies build websites that follow a customer’s natural viewing pattern – like the ‘F’ pattern or the ‘Z’ pattern.

3. Poor Navigation

Imagine going to a website and not being able to find what you are looking for. Wouldn’t that upset you a lot? Well, turns out this happens more often than not. A simple sitemap will save you a lot of time and energy needed to fix poor navigation on a website.

You can still get away with a mediocre navigation bar if you have less content on your website. But as the pages start to build, good navigation needs to be prioritized. Your web design partner should club your content based on the topic and sub-topic they are written for.

Secondly, navigation should change on different viewing devices. For instance, a desktop version of a website can have a navigation bar, whereas the same website will need a hamburger menu on mobile and tab versions to optimize screen real estate.

4. Non Responsive Design

A website should automatically adapt to the size of the user’s screen and appear uniform on all platforms. This is a bare minimum criterion in today’s world; especially because our viewers are so accustomed to receiving exceptional online services.

Having a non responsive website can mean 2 things:

  • Your website does not adapt to different screen sizes, causing awkward and overlapping versions of the original design
  • You have created different designs for different screen sizes

Either ways, a non responsive web design is frowned upon for the following reasons:

  • It shows branding inconsistency: A good website should create a sense of familiarity. But when customers re-visit your website from different screens and get a completely different design, they may feel overwhelmed and not connected with the brand
  • Increases overhead costs: It is more expensive to maintain 2 different designs than a single responsive one
  • Poor user experience: A non responsive website may work particularly well on one screen but not as much on another. This leads to poor user experience and fewer conversions/inquiries in the long run

5. Not Catering To The Masses

A recent survey published by WHO states that there are about 1.6 billion people with disabilities. Visual impairment and hearing difficulties can affect the way a person views your website. While certain industries must have ADA compliance, we feel that everyone should make their website more accessible to the masses. Not only does this improve user experience, it builds a long term bond with customers who may have been indirectly denied service from a non compliant website.

We provide ADA compliant services. Feel free to discuss this further with us.

6. Poor Website Security

It is our responsibility to provide customers with adequate security on the website. Good security measures establish us as a responsible brand and build trust amongst customers. Web developers should automate website updates to effortlessly maintain security at all times.

Additionally, websites that deal with logins and payments should compulsorily have SSL certificates. Additional features like ‘Login via Google’ improve website security and protects sensitive information.

7. Bad Search

If website navigation is not on point the search icon can retain customers. A simple search will give customers what they are looking for. To provide an optimized search feature, web developers must constantly update the functionality with new search terms and keywords. The updates must consider typos and human search behaviors; there’s nothing worse than customers not finding what they are looking for because of a typo.

A search feature does require regular upkeep and many websites can do without it. So, think twice before adding one to your website because a poor search feature will do more harm than good. Bad search leads to bad user experience and if customers don’t get what they are looking for, they will simply go to your competitor. 

8. Poor Colour Scheme

A balance of brand colors is crucial for a positive image. Just like the order and sequence of content, a disorganized display of color schemes can give you an unpolished appearance. Well thought out brands start with a brand profile that outlines its’ brand colors. Ideally, a brand should have primary colors, secondary colors, and complimentary colors with their hues laid out. 

A good brand profile will save you the hassle of rectifying poor color schemes on a website. Make sure your brand color scheme is a collaborative effort from your brand manager and designer. Their input will build a brand identity that strikes a balance between creativity and professionalism.

9. Poor Use of CTA

Call to action or CTA is the soul of our website. It is the reason why we build a website. After all, what is the point of it if we don’t give customers the chance to communicate with us? So naturally, if a CTA is not designed properly, poorly placed on the website, or worse, not placed at all – it will hinder your conversion rate.

Well-designed CTAs that are placed properly and have a clear message will increase long-term customers. Make sure your CTAs match your brand color scheme and are mobile responsive. Check out our article on The Art of Creating Engaging and Effective Call to Action buttons to know more.

10. Unoptimized 404 Error Pages

web designers

When a customer clicks on a page that cannot be found, they will get a 404 error page. Many web designers forget that this page can be customized as well. You can redirect customers when they enter a non-existent link. Sometimes companies temporarily take down their site to make developmental changes. This is an excellent opportunity for brands to use their 404 error page with personalized content and contact information.

11. Poor Use of Analytics and Heatmaps

You can have the best website possible, but if you don’t make use of analytics and heatmaps, you will fall behind the competition. Analytics and heatmaps show us how our customers are behaving. A quick look at your heatmaps and you will get an idea of what your customers like and dislike the most about your website.

Your web design service provider should install heatmaps and analytics on your website. Timely auditing and analysis will help them build a more optimized website.

12. Slow Website

website services

We see this often where companies may have a fast desktop website version but the mobile version is much slower than the recommended loading time. Since most visitors use their mobile devices to browse your website, this hinders their ability to use it. 

Currently, an average user expects a website to load within 3 seconds so if your website is not up to the mark, you should look into the following:

  • Do you have unnecessary plugins and extensions on your website? If yes, you should remove them.
  • Are your media files too heavy? You can either compress them or use an external link.

13. Overuse Of Features and Plugins

Now with the last point, we want to re-iterate what we mentioned in our first point. Too many features and plugins reflect a lack of direction. It not only confuses your audience but slows down your website causing UX to drop significantly.

You must plan your website and prevent the overuse of existing plugins. A good web developer uses modern coding techniques and can build lighter versions of some extensions – customizing them for your website. When good planning meets excellent developers and designers, you have magic!


So here are 13 of the most common mistakes to avoid when designing your website. Your website is the face of your brand, you must handle it with care. Netlynx provides web design and development services. In fact we have a checklist that we frequently update, making sure that none of these mistakes are present in your website. Get in touch with us to know how we can help you.

Website Design

Exploring the Benefits of Website Redesign in 2024

Your website is more than simply an online page. In the constantly evolving digital world; it’s the digital face of your company. The significance of having a website that is easy to use, visually appealing, and efficiently performs is very crucial as we reach 2024. It’s critical to recognize the signals that indicate a website redesign is required, regardless of the size of your company. This year, investing in a website redesign may turn out to be quite beneficial. Let’s explore why.

1. Optimization for Mobile Devices

Optimization for Mobile Devices

According to Google’s search engine ranking criteria, mobile-optimized sites rank in top positions. If your website isn’t already optimized for mobile devices, then this is high time to take action. Responsive web design ensures that your site adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, providing a consistent user experience across devices. Regular modifications let you stay updated with evaluations, which is advantageous for search engine rankings as well as user experience.

2. Eliminating Dead Links

Eliminating Dead Links

Broken links are just like, cracks on a digital highway, broken links annoy users and make navigating difficult. To avoid this problem, audit your links regularly to locate new sources or replace broken links. Adding backlinks to your most recent posts promotes searching and makes it better overall. Link quality can be maintained by working with a web redesign agency that is skilled in linking techniques. You can go with Netlynx’s SEO services which are good and value for money.

3. Prioritizing Top-Quality Content

Prioritizing Top-Quality Content

Content can be divided into two primary categories: evergreen and immediate. Both are necessary to keep your audience engaged. To maintain your information valuable and fresh, update it regularly. Value-adding content not only attracts visitors but also keeps them coming back. To ensure consistency, consider making a content calendar and working with experienced writers.

4. Improving Insight for Users

Improving Insight for Users

You can get insightful user data with a website modification. Keep an eye on stats, analyze user behavior, and determine what attracts to your audience. Relevant data is provided via tools like heatmaps, session recordings, and A/B testing. Make adjustments to your design, style, and content strategy based on these observation.

5. User Interface (UI) Redesign

User Interface (UI) Redesign

User satisfaction is directly impacted by UI. Users retreat from an interface that is consumed with and complex. Make reading easier, simplify navigation, and design logical paths. A user interface with good design increases engagement and promotes conversions. A website redesign company can help you with organizing your UI for better results.

6. Reducing the Risk of Hacking

Reducing the Risk of Hacking

Older websites are vulnerable to security breaches. Your website and user data are protected by regular updates and a strong security system. Invest in safe hosting, SSL certificates, and regular security audits.

7. Aligning with Current Design Trends

2024 will see a dominance of multimedia, creative fonts, strong colors, and minimalism in web design trends. Create a website that is unique to you and seems modern and new. Keep up with new trends so you can modify your design appropriately.

8. Boosting Conversion Rates

Boosting Conversion Rates

Conversion rates can be greatly impacted by effective website design and development. Users are directed to desired behaviors by attractive images, calls to action that are simple to understand, and simplified forms. A user-friendly design can convert visitors into dedicated customers, whether they are contacting you, joining up, or completing a purchase.


Your website is your digital shop, so it’s important to consider how it looks. Redesigning your website should be seen as an investment in the success of your company rather than an expense. Work with professionals, keep yourself educated and produce an amazing digital work of art that delights viewers. In 2024, your website serves as more than simply a URL; it’s your brand’s global introduction.

Small Business Website Design

7 Factors That Affect The Cost Of Your Small Company Website

We live in an era where it is nearly impossible to build a brand presence without a website. It is the first step to online success and a good website doubles up as your around the clock sales person. So, we cannot overlook the importance of a good website. But all things good come with a price tag. In this article, we will show you a complete price breakdown for building a small company website.

1. Domain & Web Hosting

The domain is your website URL, for instance, ours is, and, hosting is the platform that stores all your website files and makes them visible to your viewers. The domain and hosting are mandatory purchases.

How much you spend on both depends heavily on the platforms and names you choose. For instance, a ‘.com’ version of a website is much more expensive than a ‘.net’ or ‘.ca’ version. Also, domain names that are already sold, show a much higher price, based on the domain value and the owner’s choice to auction the name.

Domain & Web Hosting

A ‘.com’ version of a website can cost you anywhere from $9-14 a year whereas a .net or other versions will cost about $5-8 a year.

Hosting costs depend entirely on the type of hosting you choose and the size of your website. As a small business, you are most likely to opt for shared hosting which will cost around $1-15. There are pros and cons to shared hosting. The pros of course are the lower cost and simplicity of customizing the website. However, since it is a shared space, you can expect a bit of lagging, especially if your site shares space with another website that requires more resources. It is important to work with a reputable hosting agency that balances the space allotted to you with websites that have similar requirements.

2. Website Functionality & Usability

What should a customer be able to do when they enter your website? Answering this helps build your website functionality. Functionality and usability of the website go hand in hand where functionality deals with the ‘what’ and usability deals with the ‘how’.

Website Functionality & Usability

Functionality and usability depend heavily on your end goal. For instance, if you want a brochure website that provides information and value, you will provide fewer functions (like navigation tools and interconnected content). If you have an e-commerce website that allows customers to browse products and make a purchase, you need to provide a lot of functionality (like navigation tools, payment gateways, SSL certificates, and so on).

As you may imagine, the proposed website functionality and usability will directly impact its cost. Basic functionality requirements for a corporate website will cost around $3,000 and above, whereas intricate requirements for an independently owned e-commerce website can start from $5,000 and above.

3. Website Design

75% of the time, customers leave a website because of poor design. But ironically, good design is less likely to be noticed by customers. It merely acts as a stage background that brings focus to your products and services. So, if your customers make no comment on the website design and just leave after they get what they are looking for – it’s a good sign!

Website Design

A good website designer creates the face of the website, one that highlights what your brand stands for. It always starts with research, followed by a first draft, multiple edits and ultimately, the final design. Companies price website design services differently so it is hard to provide a proper price range for the service. However, when a company provides you with a quote you should consider the following:

  • The number of people working on your project (more the people higher the price)
  • The years of experience the web design agency/individual has (more the experience higher the price)
  • The city you are seeking services from (some cities are more expensive than others)
  • Packages and discounts: some companies provide special offers and seasonal discounts for small company websites
  • Niche expertise – A boutique web design agency that focuses solely on your niche, will charge less than bigger companies that have multi-channel expertise.

4. Website Development

Website Development

Once we have a design, we go on to the next step which is web development. Web design and development go hand in hand, which is why many companies develop a website while designing it so that their client gets a feel for its functionalities. Just like web design, web development pricing varies greatly on the factors mentioned above.

5. Content Management System

A content management system or a CMS allows website owners, with no prior coding knowledge to create, manage, and publish content on their website. Very few websites will not have a CMS – these are usually static websites or those that do not aim at building their content.

Content Management System

If you want to provide customers with value through your content, a CMS like WordPress will empower you to build content without your developer’s assistance. A good CMS is:

  • Easy to use
  • Affordable
  • Scalable
  • Easy to customize
  • Secure

CMS costs vary greatly on the platform. A good way to choose a CMS is to find which ones the most successful businesses within your niche are using. This gives us an idea of the scalability of the system. If you are working with a company that provides web development and web design services, they will usually research for you.

6. Mobile Optimization

Since most of our customers are mobile visitors, mobile optimization is mandatory for online success. Good web developers and designers will optimize your website for different screen sizes. The cost for mobile optimization depends heavily on the level of design changes and functionality changes required on the mobile and tablet versions of your website. But on average mobile optimization charges start from $1,000.

Mobile Optimization

When working towards mobile optimization, you should ask the following:

  • What are my mobile users looking for when they land on my website?
  • What is the state of mind of my target audience (are they traveling, busy, tense, or relaxed?)
  • Are mobile users getting what they are looking for on the website?

Good web design agencies will charge you for the work needed based on the above parameters.

7. Ongoing Maintenance

Are there any security updates for your website? Plugin and extension updates? Ongoing maintenance and updates make sure your website is running smoothly even in the years to come. It also protects your website from potential risks and threats.

Ongoing website maintenance is absolutely essential and web development companies often provide this service as a part of their web development services.

Ongoing Maintenance

Again, like most other factors mentioned above, charges depend heavily on the amount of ongoing maintenance needed on the website. It can cost anywhere from $20 a month to $125 an hour.


We hope this outline gave you some idea of how much it costs to build a website for a small company. Since there are so many micro factors to consider, we provided a range instead of a fixed price. When a company provides you with a pricing detail, make sure to ask them how much assistance you will get from them and the years of experience they have. This provides a concrete justification for the price.

If you have any further questions on web design and development services, feel free to get in touch with us at Netlynx Inc.

Website Design

Must Know Web Design Trends In 2024

Well, you know what they say: you can’t start something new without any preparation (I’m pretty sure we are paraphrasing, but you get the message). With the digital landscape constantly changing, it is more important than ever to be up-to-date with ongoing web design trends. I mean, who would want to go through a lame and boring website when they know they can do far more interesting things? As more businesses are learning the importance of having an online presence, web design trends are becoming increasingly important.

As 2024 unfolds, web design agencies are taking on an exhilarating new dimension, serving clients who are starting to recognize the importance of an interactive website. Brace yourselves as we delve into the captivating realm of web design, unraveling the transformative trends that will shape the virtual landscape in the upcoming year.

2024 Web Design Trends You Need To Keep An Eye On

In a world where online presence reigns supreme, websites are no longer just digital spaces; they are dynamic and immersive, and provide an important space to interact, foster connections, transactions, and share experiences. As a web design company, we predict that 2024 will be the year for static websites to transform into a dynamic and engaging online realm. Join us as we navigate through the pulsating heart of web design, revealing the trends that will redefine the way we interact with websites.

E-Commerce Web Design Trends

Online businesses are taking the world by storm. As an e-commerce development agency, we see new online stores opening up every week. Since online stores deal with direct conversions, they are more affected by newer web design trends. Modern and trendier online stores are far more likely to have longer interactions and more conversions. Here are some e-commerce website trends that we feel will become popular in 2024.

E-commerce Web Design Trends 2024
1. Immersive Product Visualization

In recent years, e-commerce has gone through a remarkable turn with the surge in 3D, augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) integration. It is amazing to see what technology can do. Want to see how that chair will look in your house? AR allows customers to not just visualize the products in real-time; they can also interact with them in their own space. Whether it’s trying on virtual clothing or placing furniture in a room before purchase, these immersive experiences bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds, revolutionizing how consumers engage with products online.

2. Personalized Shopping Experiences

Advanced AI algorithms are reshaping the e-commerce landscape by offering hyper-personalized shopping experiences. These algorithms delve deep into user behavior, purchase history, and preferences to curate tailor-made product recommendations and content. By understanding individual preferences, e-commerce sites can enhance the overall shopping journey, making it more intuitive, convenient, and enjoyable for customers.

3. Voice Assistance Integration

Voice assistants are stepping into the forefront of e-commerce. According to studies, 55% of teenagers use voice search daily. When voice commands can lead to seamless browsing and purchasing, it is not only ideal for people on the go, but adds an advantage for those with special needs. Hence adding voice assistance will make your e-commerce website ADA compliant.

Voice assistance also makes online shopping so much more fun. Customers will feel like they are walking into a store and talking to a shop assistant to guide them to the right aisle just by clicking on the mike icon. It is the perfect hands-free experience as well. So if you have an e-commerce website, try adding voice assistance. Our web development company will build a system where customers can make all their purchases with just a few spoken words.

4. Social Commerce Evolution

From forming international connections to raising awareness across the globe, social media has become a powerful tool for the masses. More e-commerce companies are noticing the importance of a social presence and they are finding more ways to integrate these platforms on their channels.

Today, micro-influencers are the ones who rule the social media world, the ones to whom everyday people could relate more. Hence more e-commerce platforms are adding media generated by micro to major influencers on their platform. This builds social proof and makes online shops more immersive for the social media driven audience base. When the lines between social interaction and online shopping are blurred, customers are far more likely to make a purchase and leave with a memorable integrated shopping experience.

5. AI-Powered Customer Support

Let’s face it, AI is being integrated to most things online and the blend between AI and manual interactions will only increase here onwards. AI chatbots are changing the way customers interact with websites and it allows online merchants to take a back seat while their bots handle customer queries. This saves companies a lot of time, money and resources. These intelligent bots provide instant responses and personalized assistance to all customers, significantly improving the overall customer service experience.

Placement is everything, which is why a good web design agency will place the chatbot in a spot where it is easy to find and interact with. Our web designers understand buyer behaviors and place chatbots in places that will generate maximum interactions.

Corporate Web Design Trends

Since a simple online search is one of the best ways to find a service, corporate websites are also on the rise. Modern customers are accustomed to fast-loading corporate websites that are easy to follow through. Hence, having a good corporate website design is now more important than ever before.

Corporate Web Design Trends 2024

Here are some new corporate website trends that we feel will become popular in 2024.

1. Accessibility-First Design

Corporate websites are embracing accessibility as a fundamental design principle. 50% of GenZ want companies to take a stance on social issues, like racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, gender inequality, equal opportunity, equal accessibility, climate change etc. This puts CSR at the forefront for any organization. Stricter adherence to accessibility standards like WCAG ensures that websites are usable by everyone, including individuals with disabilities. This is why it is becoming very important for companies to ADA-compliant web design that provides design alternatives for people with special needs. This commitment to inclusivity reflects a conscious effort to make online experiences barrier-free and accommodating for all users.

2. Data Privacy and Security

In an era where netizens are becoming increasingly aware of the perils of data theft, corporate websites have the added responsibility of strengthening their website security. Afterall, we don’t want another Cambridge Analytica scandal. Some of the measures include displaying privacy policies and implementing robust security protocols to ensure a secure viewing experience.

While web developers and technical support add security measures on a website, a web designer focuses more on communicating that the website is secure through the necessary icons and placements.

3. Minimalist Design with Micro-interactions

Corporate websites are leaning towards clean and minimalist design aesthetics, complemented by subtle micro-interactions. Experienced web design companies focus on essential design elements and their placements for maximum interaction.

Micro-interactions, like moving icons or animated cursors provide intuitive feedback to users, making the browsing experience more engaging and interactive. Modern corporate websites put functionality at the forefront of their design and then they focus on a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. Combining minimalism with interactive fonts and icons may be the golden equation for websites.

Website Trends 2024


So here are some important web design trends that you need to watch out for in 2024. Web design is changing at a faster pace than ever before, keeping e-commerce and corporate organizations on their toes. But don’t let this scare you. The best way to get on board with the trends is to have an experienced web design company on your side. Are you planning to make a new website? Or re-design an old one? Get in touch with Netlynx on [email protected] or 888-638-5969 and we will give you a step-by-step approach to the transformation.